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Tips For Using Your Face Yoga Method eBook

Tips For Using Your Face Yoga Method eBook

Information is great, but do you ever feel overwhelmed with it?!
We love the age of information. But we also love simplicity.

When we created the Face Yoga Method Programs, we kept this in mind. Our goal was and continues to be giving you exceptional information, delivered clearly and concisely. We continually strive to simplify the Face Yoga Method, and that’s why we’re about to spill the ins and outs of how to best navigate our Ultimate Guide To The Face Yoga Method eBook.

Benefits of The Ultimate Guide To The Face Yoga Method

Before we get into the details, let’s get clear on the benefits of this little toolbox. Think of this eBook as your Face Yogi manual for everyday use, sorting through each Pose’s details and getting ideas of the best ways to nurture yourself outside of the Face Yoga Method exercises.

The beauty of this Guide is that you can read it beginning to end in chronological order, or you can simply open to a random page and still get benefits no matter where you land!

In addition, this eBook doesn’t simply tell you how to do the Poses. It explains how Face Yoga Method works, how your muscles function, the science of gravity and your face, tips for physical and mental wellbeing, the do’s and don'ts of Face Yoga, and even Skin Care. It truly has it all!

Tips For Using Your eBook

We like to over-deliver, and that’s why we weave this promise into everything we do. The Ultimate Guide To The Face Yoga Method eBook is nothing short of extraordinary information. If you’ve found yourself intimidated by the goodies inside of this Face Yoga manual, we’re about to simplify the “where to start” for you. Rest assured, you can’t do it wrong! But here are some best practices.

We like to approach the eBook in one of three ways. One is to start at the beginning. This means that you’ll take one week to work on each section of the eBook. For example, post the warm-up, you’ll start with the forehead area. Of course you’ll incorporate the cooldown, but you’ll stick to all the forehead area Poses for a whole week. You would then move onto the next area and so forth.

The following approach is to do a whole face Routine using a few Poses from each section. You can choose a few favorites or change up the Poses from each section every day or every week for a more versatile Practice.

The final way we like to use the eBook is as an intuitive guide and reference. This means you’d analyze your skin and notice what it needs. If you feel your eyes are puffy one morning, for example, you’d skip over to the eye area and incorporate that into your Practice for the day.

P.S. For the days you’re in a hurry, you’ll simply go to the “Face Yoga in a hurry” section, already beautifully crafted to meet the demands of busy days.

Continuing Your Practice

If you were just about to ask, “What happens when I finish the eBook?”

We’re one step ahead of you! :)

The Face Yoga Method is a Journey of self-discovery and never ending learning. Our best advice for those who have already consumed every tip, Pose (there are over 40 of them in the eBook) and direction is to choose a few Poses from each section and go into a full face Routine. When doing a full face Routine, make sure you switch up the Poses every so often. Sometimes the Poses we dislike the most are the ones we need the most. While choosing your favorites is always fun, don’t forget to go to the ones you usually tend to avoid.

But the eBook isn’t just Poses alone; it’s packed full of tips for your lifestyle. Use the sections on Visualization Tips, Stress Reduction Tips, Acupressure Push, Diet, and Skin Care as your pocket guides to tools worthy of your self-care. There’s no order, but we recommend you work your way through all the tips slowly. Once again, if you’re a chronological person, start in order. If you like to go with the flow, tune into the section that resonates with your needs.

And if you haven’t got your hands on this Face Yoga Guide — grab it now! It’s a Face Yoga Method companion you simply can’t avoid.

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